Sunday, December 2, 2007

Number of Things that Went Wrong This Week:

Not quite that many, but still... a rotten week by any measure.

Highlights include :

- leaving my ATM card in the machine and living in almost constant terror that they're stealing the few measley dollars that we have.

- being offered a job at FedEx, then being told that it might not start for a FEW MONTHS.

- Kristi getting a call from her boss at 4:40pm on Friday "letting her know" that, despite no previous notification, this was a "working weekend." Kristi was supposed to be moving furniture (which she remembered well from her Master's Studies...)

- We show up early on Saturday to "work." No one else does.

- ANOTHER FIRE ANT bite on my hand, which has since become infected.

- MU's loss to whoever those inbred meatheads were.

Anyway, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but in this case the iceberg is composed of frozen sewage. The week was lousy.... almost "we're getting out of here" lousy. We'll keep you posted.

Enough whining.

Kristi ran on a relay team for the Cayman Islands Marathon this morning, for which we got up at 3:30am, still angry from MU's stinging loss. There were a total of about 500 runners, most of whom were also on relay teams.

It was nice to have breathing room after being stranded so many times before among the droves of people who turn out for Chicago and Boston's marathons.

Her team did well, and she overtook 5 runners that had gotten their handoff before her. I think it was this intimidating pre-run flexing that got them scared....

I was proud her performance, but pride faded back into this week's standard-issue simmering rage when I stepped into a puddle of ice-runoff and vomit by the finish line. In flip-flops.

I've showered and napped, and have calmed down. I'm crossing my fingers that this week will be better.

Until then, I'm taking refuge in this local vegetable pizza that I just made:

...this Partagas Serie P No. 2.....

...and this lovely Flor de CaƱa 12 year old Nicaraguan rum.

Until then....


jda said...

i liked your labels/meta tags for this one.

M. Gants v4.0 said...

Ah, now that looks like a good way to relax. Nice looking pizza. Nice labels too btw, hehe.

Anonymous said...

While Kristi trains for her marathons, we shall work on our Brookshire Gag Reflex Relay, whereby we drink cheap wine, eat snack food and play Parcheesi before "passing the baton" ho ho.

Scot said...

Yeah, that is a pretty shitty week! Besides the good parts of Kristi relayin' that is. I hope this ones going better so far. Just remember were always here for you two.
And if you have any need of it, there is an awesome house two doors down with a good bit of recent updates that comes free with two now-slightly overweight but reasonably well socialized cats.

kam said...

You live in Cayman. You're wife has a hot bod. Isn't that enough? (feeling better yet?) -kam