Saturday, November 24, 2007

Grubbin' Up

The Feast!

Today, after a walk on the beach, we cooked for most of the morning and then ate for most of ten minutes.

I know I promised "a million pictures," but I saw all the marvelous food, and could only snap one before going at it like the Tasmanian Devil in those old Looney Toons.

The menu was:

Quorn (fake chicken) that we breaded Cajun Style and fried.

Tossed Salad with toasted Pumpkin Seeds.

Local Breadfruit roasted with fresh thyme and garlic.

Local Pumpkin roasted with more fresh thyme and sweet onions.

Local Callaloo sauteed with sweet onions.

Sauteed Local Plantain. (not pictured, yes devoured.)

Kristi's Multigrain Cornbread

We were going to make the Jamaican Festival fritters for dessert, but neither of us could move well after the culinary onslaught.

Now, in true Thanksgiving style, we're going to eat some cold leftovers and watch MU roll KU up and smoke them on (inter)national television.

We don't have a TV, so we have to go to Legendz Sports Bar to do it. Nothing says "Thanksgiving" like 7 dollar rum and cokes.

Oh, and here's a picture of a chicken high up in the tree across the street.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Sorry I missed you on Skype tonight. Idaho is 3 hours behind you and I have been getting back to the hotel fairly late after meetings and dinner.

During our tour yesterday they were testing new ammo, and they asked if we wanted to shoot some. So, as I have never held a gun, I didn't imagine that I would be that impressive. BUT, I hit the target 15/15 times. Yeah, you can be impressed...and a little intimidated now. It may have been sheer luck as after the first shot, it scared me so bad that I just kept the gun in the same general place and closed my eyes and hoped for the best. Yes, I am thinking about a new career! HA. I miss you guys and will try to chat soon! Take care. Love you.