Friday, November 9, 2007

Yo Ho Ho and a Virgin Oasis Mango Colada Smoothie

WELL, Pirates week has officially begun here in the Cayman Islands.

I think I understand the concept, but won't tell you the whole deal just yet. There's a big party and street dance tonight in Georgetown, and I think I'll be able to explain it better afterwards.

My initial impression is that it's Cayman's version of Carnaval or Mardi Gras, but without any religious undertones. And really, really Disney.

Kristi and I went to the Kickoff Party at the Wharf Restaurant last night. Our first mistake was showing up an hour early to get a parking place. "Start time 7pm" translates to "Start time whenever the comstumed pirates show up" which happened at about 9.

We ended up chillin' at the waterfront bar for two hours, sipping the fruity drinks that Kristi likes. Slowly, because they're 12 dollars each.

The pirates showed up in full regalia, sexually harrassing the women and all trying really hard to be Johnny Depp. It was good fun to see the tourists who were just out for dinner picking firecracker ash out of their Island Style Mahi-Mahi.

I don't have pictures of the pirates because I used up all of my camera battery taking pictures of the enormous tarpon that gather around The Wharf's waterfront for the nightly feeding.

There are about 100 4 to 6 foot long Tarpon that school in the evening, waiting for a waiter to ring the feeding bell. The sound ignites a feeding frenzy that includes acrobatic leaps from the water for kitchen scraps and fish carcasses.

(Yes, they're supposed to look that way. I'm trying to be "artsy," or something.)

It's really exciting, and we'll all go see it together when you visit us.

So, I'm charging the camera battery right now for tonight, so check back tomorrow for pics of the pirates and street dancing and all that....


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