Monday, July 16, 2007

Safe and Sound....

I just heard from Kristi. She arrived in the Brac just fine and has gotten settled into an apartment that is significantly larger and fancier than ours.

She arrived last night, picked up her rental car, and started exploring. She was having a tiny bit of trouble finding the apartment, so she pulled into a restaurant parking lot to ask for directions. The lady behind the counter said "Here, dear, I'll show you..." and stepped out into the parking lot. Instead of pointing in the direction of the complex, she got into the rental car, and navigated all the way there... while on the clock!

Caribbean people are incredibly friendly (except the cops, who DO NOT have a sense of humor and apparently DO NOT like to dance....) Resdients of Cayman Brac, or "Brackers," are extra-friendly... even by Caribbean standards.

Kristi's first day of work went well, and she's already got the hook-up on some fresh mangoes. "East Indian" are a favorite in Jamaica, but we've yet to try them... Kristi tracked some down, and is giving me a full report tonight. I'll let you know....

I've gotten a few emails about the pictures I'm posting. They're all pics I've taken around the island...some at the nature reserve, some in our yard...some in the parking lot of the Royal Bank of Canada. If you'd like digital files of any to use as screen wallpaper or whatever just email me, I'll send em right over... Also, my critically acclaimed series of nude self-portraits entitled "Too Hairy?" is also available at no charge.....


M. Gants v4.0 said...

Hahaha, you can keep the nudes! The other pics are nice though. Does it stay that pretty all year round in the islands?

...for some reason I have started craving Mangos...they sound really good right now!

Anonymous said...

The photos are beautiful! Photography is one of my hubby's hobbies. I'll have to share your work with him, he would be very impressed!


P.S. I have never eaten a mango in my life but that video of Kristi eating one makes me want to try!