Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bric a Brac

Well... not much to report, I'm sad to say... Is that ineffective blogging? Posting that there's nothing to post? Yeah, well, who cares?

Krist's still loving the Brac. Not to dwell on this point, BUT, the people are incredibly friendly. She loves the patients, and several have brought her fresh mangoes... which makes me jealous and angry that I'm not there to eat them.... AND to be with her, yeah, that too, of course.... but the mangoes, grrrrrr......

She hiked inside the Cayman Brac Cayman Parrot Reserve today, and actually spotted wild Cayman Parrots. Cayman Parrots are an endangered species, often culled by farmers for destroying their crops..... AND WHICH CROP MAINLY????? MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmangoes.... I'm experiencing a little cognitive dissonance, here... I'm all for conservation and protecting animals, but I loves mi mangoes....

I'm back in Kansas City to finish the work on the house and get it sold. I had a garage sale today... My dad came over at 7:15am, at which point it started raining. My sister Laura came with him to help, and we dragged all of my garbage from the garage to the front yard. A grand total of 7 (Yes, SEVEN) people showed up, and I raked in a cool (drumroll, please......) 5 GODDAMN DOLLARS. Woo-hooo.... Now that I'm moving to Cayman I'll have a place to hide that from the Government.... you know, like in "The Firm." Anyway, I hope to have the house listed this week, and to be back with Kristi as soon as possible... I'll keep you updated..... LATE!!!!!


M. Gants v4.0 said...

Try not to spend all your loot on booze and nudey mags, hehe.

Hmm, I had such bad luck in England trying to offload my stuff that I eventually just donated all of it.

Zach said...

Yeah.... we tried again on Sunday, and after SIX HOURS of sitting and waiting, NOT A SINGLE PERSON CAME BY..... I'm donating all of it to the sidwalk in front of the Goodwill store in the middle of the night tonight.....