Saturday, August 25, 2007

That's just beautiful.... Uh... What is it?

First off: I'm sorry it's been so long since I wrote something.

Or, you're welcome, rather.... either way.

After 19 posts per day on Hurricane Dean for a stretch, I decided to give you some time off from my mildly-amusing anecdotes. Today I'm back with some new pics, and a different version of the same story I tell every post... "We bought something and ate it. Yum."

We got up early today and hit the Saturday Farmer's Market in Lower Valley, near Bodden Town. We've been once before, and wanted to see how the farmers fared through the storm.

Most of the islands farms are on the North Side and on East End, the two areas hardest hit by Dean. We were worried that no one would show up, but were happily surprised to find the market bustling.

We did confirm that the storm did knock down any fruit that hadn't been picked, bringing the premature end to mango season we dreaded so.... The farmers filled their garages and storage areas with fruit, but when that's gone - it's gone. No more mangoes this season.

If the posts start to get darker, or somehow even MORE boring (I know, impossible) you'll know why...

We checked in with Zelma-Lee from Willie's, the fruit stand in Red Bay that we mention, then took a spin around the market. We saw huge tables of bananas, long poles of sugar cane, crates of strange fruits and vegetables, and a veritable constellation of different mangoes...

There are booths like "Mr. Andre's Bananas," "Cayman's Curative Salts," and (winner of Best Name Award) "Mr. Sparky's Amazing Farm...."

The farmers are so friendly and patient as we asked what things were and how to eat them.... I had fun imagining what I would say to a couple of overly-inquisitive Americans:

"If it's not a Pizza Hut topping, I guess Americans don't recognize it...."


"Oh, no, you wouldn't like these... they're not covered in Nacho Cheez...."


"Nope, sorry... no 'hot-fudge-flavored' mangoes today, sir...."

***Note - Kristi is insisting that I mention that my parents are lovely people, and it is NOT their fault that I'm such a nasty guy.***

Anyway, they were nice, I'm not, let's keep moving.

We bought callaloo (a spinach-like plant that eaten wilted, like greens in the south), a couple of coconut tarts, some seasoning peppers (like small Scoth Bonnets used for adding spice to recipes), and a bitter melon.

The picture at the top of the page is the bitter melon. It is very, very bitter, which makes up for the fact that it is not anything like a melon. One evens out the other... It's a lot like eggplant, and is common in asian cooking (or so the Filipino Farmer said... I think he may have just found them growing by the side of the road....)

I had to run Kristi to work, so we couldn't stay long at the market. It is a great time, and I'm excited to make visiting it a part of our weekly routine once I'm here permanently...

Kristi has been working a lot... I've been doing the Susie-Homemaker stuff (or DJ Funky-Fresh Susie Homemaker, as I demand to be called before I'll fold ANYTHING!!!!) and during my time alone I've re-kindled an old love affair...


I'll have a whole ramen post for you, soon.... like it or not.



Anonymous said...

This humor is TERRIFIC and maybe, just maybe could be sold at the market????

Anonymous said...

It's "Ichiban" noodles, you poor fool