Monday, August 20, 2007

This morning, I woke up in a Curfew....

Hey There,

The Curfew has been lifted, so we took a little drive around West Bay to see the aftermath.

Not much to report, actually... Some shingles here and there, and the fence is down at the Turtle Farm. (HA!)

The Sea Swell is still pretty crazy. Here's a little clip of it ravaging the poor, newly-repaired pier at the West Bay Public Beach.

It had big gaps that were just repaired this month... oh well.

We're so thankful that the little island got out of this unscathed. There were a few districts that got mashed up, but nothing like Jamaica and the coming devastation in the Yucatain, we fear.

Keep the residents of Belize, Honduras, Mexico, and the surrounding islands in your prayers as the recently-labeled Cat 5 heads their way...


Kirstin A. McCudden said...

so, so glad you guys are safe. now you took that precautionary shower for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Glad Dean missed for the most part--hope Mexico does OK. Scary times.

I downloaded Skype and have the microphone plugged in. Can you send me your user name or number or whatever on Skype and choose a time we can chat. I think we will be around this evening.

jazz construction vp

M. Gants v4.0 said..., are they constantly making repairs from these storms in the Cayman Islands? Seems like it would get frustrating after a while...