Sunday, August 19, 2007

Soggy Sabbatical

Well, this is going to be it for a little while...

The storm is going to be here pretty much all day tomorrow. I hope to be back online Tuesday, but we'll see... Food, repairs, etc will probably occupy the bulk of our time, but I'll get the news out just as soon as possible.

I'll be calling my parents just as soon as I have cell service. The numbers are below if you'd like to check in.

Alright, all our love to all who read.... Wish us luck! Say a prayer for the Caribbean.

Z and K

p.s. Had to add some photos of what we've got working up in this piece.....

Water for refilling the back of the toilet, washing, etc....

Outdoor supply of water for same. "Sewage Trough?????" Are they nuts??????

This may not end up doing a danged thing, but it made me feel better for some reason....

Alright, this time I mean it... We love you and will be in touch!!!


Anonymous said...

Zach and Kristi,
We are thinking of you and of course worrying our brains out. We love you and are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Aunt Stacy

Unknown said...

Kristi and Zach:

Spoke with Dr. Steve this a.m. about you both. He was rightfully stressed but remains optomistic especially given the news about the Eye of the storm passing far south of the island.

Hope all is well, and that you both remain in good health. Everyone is thinking of you.
