Friday, August 10, 2007

Mothers, Lock Up Your Mangoes....

Well, I'm off.... heading down to Cayman, thanks to Ann and David, our incredible friends from 7 Mile Beach-by-way-of-Pennsylvania. I guess my incessant bitching has gotten some attention. I keed, I keed...

Their son, James, will be visiting the island for a week, and I'm really looking forward to spending some good time with him.

Seeing my wife will be alright, too.

Mango season ends in mid-September, so I believe I'll eat mangoes until I go blind from rapid-onset Diabetes.

I'm back to KC on the 28th of this month, hopefully to sign "Zachary Griffith and Kristi Kliebert (zachary griffith attorney-in-fact)" over and over again at closing until writer's cramp turns my hand into some type of swollen claw. That means I want this stankin house to sell.

Alright, I'll have a full mango post for you very soon.

One Stop!


Kirstin A. McCudden said...

z- I'm sorry we'll miss each other in the KC-stopover-until-my-house-sells. Mr. M and I will be there 16th-18th, but go, go see your mango lovers. And Kristi, too. -kirstin

Anonymous said...

hey z,
I will miss you when you are gone.
please e-mail me this pic so I can have the mago has my background.

Anonymous said...

How did the flights go? all well down there in paradise? agd

Anonymous said...

Did my boy get there okay? thanks for the help!