Saturday, October 13, 2007

This made me feel better....

My cousin Andrew, one of the 4 people who read this, sent this to me upon hearing of my troubles with the lawn mower.

Andrew, along with a few others, has seen me react poorly in the face of adversity.

If the cause of my problem is small, or if there is something small in the general area in which I'm experiencing frustration, I throw it. Most often, I throw it AT something else.

If the cause of my trouble is too large to throw, I stomp on it. My favorite way to stomp is a high-jump-flying-double-stomp-with-scream.

Someday, when stomping is given Olympic Status, not even the mean Russian judge will be avle to give my high-jump-flying-double-stomp-with-scream any less than a perfect 10. I'm that good. I'm like Mike Tyson and Mary Lou Retton had a kid born for nothing more than stomping. HARD!!!

Though my first instincts were to give my newly-broken mower the boot treatment, I was able to resist. Just barely.

This vid makes me happy I did.... Scot and Marla might be posting it on as we speak.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you read this in sunny Cayman from a blue house with little yard and some pet chickens.
Maybe a yucky gecco lizard on the wall too. Glad you are there!!! Best wishes to you and Kristi! see you in Jan! Heather and Glenn are talking about coming in A and D