Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Full'a Bulla

Hello All.

All four of you that read this, that is.... this is Flinty, the rooster that lives across the street. He came over this morning, begging for part of my breakfast.

He gobbled up toast, hunks of orange, and to my amusement, grabbed the banana peel I threw him and hauled tail-feather for the other side of the street.

Did I mention we don't have a TV?

Anyway, it's been a pretty good week. Busy driving all over "Controlling Quality" or something. The delivery guys are getting paid by the book, so they're not skipping anywhere. I keep thinking I'm going to find a pile of books behind Esso or something, but so far it's been great. I've been putting a gang of km on the car, but learning the island as well.

My job is to find out-of-the-way places that may have gotten missed, so I take all sorts of roads that I've never seen before... I dead end at the water all the time, and see some pretty great stuff.

Such as.... these mangroves at the Careenage Point, a National Maritime Sanctuary.

I also just happen to see stuff that I can't help but stop and photograph, like this fella fighting a huge tarpon off of the iron shore just up from Hog Sty Bay:

He eventually landed it, and I eventually fell down on the rocks. Nice.

Anyway, about Bulla. Bulla are these lovely little desserts made by the Caribbean Bakery. They're kind of like a cross between a cookie and a cupcake, and I eat them by the bag.

There are two types - light and dark. The one above is a Light Bulla.

The dark was our initial fave, and is flavored with molasses. We tried the light just the other day, and have eaten about 87 of them since. The light Bulla is flavored with nutmeg and almond extract, and I think "light" refers only to it's color, and not the caloric content.

Here's something funny : "Bulla" is also the latin word for "Blister."

People who know me well know exactly what's coming next....

I get blisters. Bad.

Whenever it's hot, or whenever I have to wear shoes, or just whenever, I develop large, painful blisters all over my feet. The friction of walking causes them to rise, and then makes walking incredibly slow and painful. Every vacation, every trip to camp, every everything.... I always get blisters and it makes me borderline suicidal.

WELL, after spending the last 6 months shoe-less and blister-free, I've enjoyed a reprieve from blisters. I thought, stupidly, that perhaps they were gone for good.

Then I came here. Then I put shoes on. Then I got a whole gang of these on my feet:

I know, I'm sorry... I should have posted a warning:

"Warning. If you'd like to keep your McGriddle down, read this post later, or not at all.... Check back in a few days when I'll be talking about chickens or palm trees or something."

Well, I love you too much not to give you the truth. Plus I like to use the macro setting on my camera.

Anyway, I'll be at the wedding of my incredible friend, Dr. Bryan Hughes, this weekend, and soon I'll have some wild tales of us trying to ride a llama or something after the reception.



kam said...

Man, I was just thinking that my life was missing something. There was a void.
Eureka! A shot of Zach's blistered feet.

Sorry, that looks painful. Have safe travels this wedding weekend!

Kaveman said...

Jeez...I remember you getting these at summer camp...you went through so much moleskin. I pity those poor little moles...

Megan said...

Do you need a needle to pop those things? Ooo, gooey fun!